Reasons to Use Workday Learning Management

Published On: October 20th, 20221.2 min read

If you're competing for top tier talent in this labor market, is a competitive edge you may not have considered. Whether it's a matter of upscaling, cross-skilling, or continuing , companies that enable their employees' learning create a positive culture and better productivity.

Below we outline a few of the way that the Learning Management System allows your HR management to introduce new content and track progress.

Increased Efficiency

Learning has a fantastic dashboard to let you see exactly how your workforce is progressing through assigned modules. HR can find tasks which have been completed, who is trained on that particular day, and the total number of modules used.

Workday Drive for Simple Uploading

Workday Drive functions like a cloud environment, where you can create digital material, upload files, add images, videos, and graphics, and do so with the power of unlimited storage. By creating a simplified experience on the back end, HR and other relevant departments can load up with their trainings easily.

Put Knowledge into Action with ERPA + Workday

Employee engagement surveys regularly show that employees want more out of their jobs than punching a clock. Create a culture of learning and attract and maintain top talent by giving your employees the learning experience they want and deserve.

ERPA is here to help with your Workday Learning Management configurations; just fill out the form below to speak with someone.

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