Modernize PeopleSoft With a Migration Powered by ActiveGenie™

ERPA's solution to modernize for the City of Boston combines the endless benefits of the cloud and our Hosted Managed Services for PeopleSoft – both of which are enhanced by automation through ActiveGenie™, our cloud orchestration service.

The City's cloud transformation led to significant gains in performance, scalability, reliability, DR, and security. This optimized PeopleSoft operations, management, maintenance, and costs, leading to the consolidation of over 20 contracts to one.

ERPA Case Study: City of Boston Modernizes PeopleSoft With AWS Cloud

The Challenge

The City of Boston's HCM and Finance applications were hosted on-premise and on mainframe with DB2 databases, resulting in reliance on older versions of the applications and underlying toolset (PeopleTools). The legacy technology hindered consistent staffing, functionality, security patching, and was costly to maintain, which prompted the City to competitively procure a holistic, phased modernization solution.

The Solution

Having provided PeopleSoft application support for the City of Boston since 2013, ERPA understood the challenges, business requirements, and opportunities for this effort. The city was required to follow a competitive bidding process. Our team of Cloud experts developed a winning solution that leveraged , DevOps automation, and upgraded all application stack versions. The end result was a purpose-built infrastructure with appropriately sized AWS resources in alignment with the Framework.

The Outcome

The City of Boston quickly realized benefits like increased performance, security, and reliability. In fact, the mainframe and DB2 system suffered a major outage a month after the migration, but the move to AWS meant business operations and users were not impacted. Combined with optimized licensing, the city successfully reduced their total cost of ownership (TCO) significantly.

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